Dead Week

And this week concludes my last week of classes at Cuesta College. Kind of. I still have finals on Monday and Wednesday, but honestly, I don’t even want to count those days for anything since all I have to do is go take a test and leave. And this weekend is supposed to be spent studying. Which makes me want to curl up and die a little. Hence the name dead week.

Anyways… I got my new tattoo today. Pretty painful, but I definitely love it. And bestie and I have been baking. Sort of. We tried to make peppermint mocha brownies last night with white chocolate chips, but we kind of burnt them. So no peppermint brownies. But tomorrow we are making chocolate covered pretzels with sprinkles for Christmas presents for coworkers and other friends. And tomorrow is my day off (finally). And Monday is another half day off. I can’t really count it as a full day when I have to go take a final that day.

As far as food goes, I know I went a little crazy yesterday, but I figure if I only do that once a week I’m probably doing pretty ok. Back to normal portion sizes today and hopefully for the rest of the week. I would like to be able to start the new year in a few weeks with a little head start on the infamous “Sexy by Summer” resolution. We shall see. Week of Christmas, all bets are probably off.

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